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Evaluating the relevance of pursuing an EMBA - Dr Gary Stockport writes in Hindu BusinessLine


Dr Gary Stockport (Dean – Executive MBA and Professor – Strategy at SP Jain School of Global Management) discusses the growing popularity of online EMBA programs and their distinction from online upskilling programs in an article for Hindu BusinessLine.

Dr Gary - inside photo-1

Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, SP Jain's EMBA program has experienced significant growth, attracting students from diverse backgrounds and sectors.

The EMBA offers comprehensive skills and strategic development, empowering students to become better general managers and leaders. With a focus on technology, data analytics, and project-based learning, the program ensures students stay at the forefront of management practices while enhancing their soft skills.

“We also have an incredible amount of project-based learning. All students do a five-credit point project called an Applied Strategy Project at the end of their EMBA. They investigate a major strategic issue from within their organisation and they’ve got an academic mentor and an industry mentor too. These are high-level strategic projects that have a major quantitative value too,” added Dr Stockport.

To read the full article, please click here.