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EMBA – Enhanced Career Growth through Combining Work and Study


Dr Monica Gallant (Associate Professor – Accounting and Assistant Dean – Executive MBA (Dubai On-campus and Middle East Online) writes an article in Higher Education Digest, a leading educational portal, on the advantages of pursuing an Executive MBA (EMBA) while working.


In the article, she explains that one of the crucial benefits of continuing in your career while pursuing further studies is that career progression is not disrupted. “Job seniority is maintained, networks and relationships are not severed, and promotion opportunities are not lost. In some cases, employers will contribute financially toward tuition fees or offer some brief study leave as an investment in their talent pool,” she added.

She further highlighted that finding a healthy balance between work, study and personal life is essential. “Creating a schedule, assessing priorities, setting deadlines, and breaking assignments into “doable” chunks can help to create a manageable timetable,” explained Dr Gallant.

To read the full article, please click here.