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5 soft skills you need in 2022 – Parmita Debnath writes in Economic Times


Parmita Debnath (Global Head – Student Experience and Professional Development, Executive MBA, SP Jain School of Global Management) writes in Economic Times, a leading news publication, on the five soft skills needed in 2022 and why they matter in the workplace.

Inside article - Parmita Debnath

In the article, Ms Debnath explains that the ‘new normal’ has kept up the pace of self-development for individuals and the need to thrive in this competitive, volatile and uncertain workspace.

According to her, the five soft skills that are extremely important in 2022 are – adaptability, empathy and emotional intelligence, critical thinking and problem solving, self-management skills and leadership and social influence.

Commenting on why soft skills matter in the workplace, Ms Debnath says, “It adds to your existing job skills, which alone is not enough. It helps individuals to analyse the need of reskilling or upskilling self at necessary intervals. Periodic job moves or progression seems seamless if one hones soft skills.”

To read the full article, please click here.






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