Events at SP Jain | SP Jain School of Global Management

Learning sustainable business practices – BBA students visit Tata Power

Written by SP Jain Global Events | 31-Jan-2020 09:41:00

SP Jain School of Global Management’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students in Mumbai visited the Tata Power plant to learn first-hand how the company implements sustainable business practices. The industrial visit, held on January 25, 2020, was part of the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility course and a Global Learning activity organised by Prof Shrinivas Shikaripurkar (Adjunct Faculty, SP Jain).

During the visit, students got the opportunity to interact with Dr Erach Bharucha (Ex-Chairman of Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board) and Vivek Vishwasrao (Head of Biodiversity, Tata Power). They learnt how Tata Power had implemented sustainable business practices while providing clean energy to localities around Mumbai and Pune.

Vivek Vishwasrao (Head of Biodiversity, Tata Power) explains to our students the sustainable business practices implemented by Tata Power

Dr Bharucha questioned the students to think about the way they perceive the environment. He provided the students with a holistic perspective that supplemented their academic learning in class. Mr Vishwasrao spoke about the business aspect and explained how Tata Power was giving back to the community by breeding a near-extinct fish – the Mahseer – to ensure its survival.

One of the ways in which Tata Power is giving back to the community is by breeding a near-extinct fish – the Mahseer – to ensure its survival

The Tata Power industrial visit proved to be an ideal way for our students to start the Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility course as they learnt how small initiatives towards sustainability help in ensuring a safe and conducive environment for future generations.

*The article has been written by our student Dheeraj Chaudhari (BBA September 2019 intake).